Installing Check Point R70.20/R70.30 on IPSO 6.2 Disk-based

August 19, 2014
Check Point
309 words, a 2 minutes read

I’ve run into several problems today, so this is a public mental note for anyone who ever runs into the same problem. I know I will, so why not make it easier for everyone.

If you’re not into Check Point, this post will make no sense at all. Skip it :)


  • IPSO 6.2-xxx.tgz (or .zip)
  • Check Point R70.tgz (IPSO, disk-based*)
  • Check Point R70.20/R70.30 (IPSO, disk-based)
  • Laptop with FTP server and username/password

If it’s not called disk or flash-based, it’s probably disk-based

Install IPSO

To install IPSO, you need a .tgz file of your IPSO version. *If you only have .zip, the .tgz is in there.** Boot the machine and break at the boot manager. At the prompt, enter install and follow the instructions for FTP.

When prompted, use the Voyager setup. Enter an IP for this machine and go through Voyager. You’ll need to install a package under Configuration > System Configuration > Packages > Install Packages.

Install Check Point

For R70.20/R70.30, you’ll need R70 as a prerequisite. Upload and install R70 via Voyager in your browser. This will take about 10 minutes.

Then, you’ll be able to install R70.20/R70.30. However, it’s not possible via Voyager because (for some obscure reason) there’s no Application.xml. They’ve done this on purpose somehow, because there’s a note stating: you need to do this on the CLI.

Upload R70.20/R70.30 via Voyager, but don’t install it yet. Switch to CLI and go to /opt/packages (uploads are stored here). Then, enter two commands to extract and install:

# Extract file
gtar -zxvf filename.tgz
# Install

This will take another 10 minutes. Then, reboot your machine and you’re fine.

  • There is no IPSO 6.2 GA029, it’s always GA029a02 (MR1)
  • The .tgz is hidden in the .zip
  • No comment in file name means disk-based
  • Application.xml is only needed for Voyager
  • R70.20/R70.30 needs R70 as prerequisite